Sunrise this morning.

Moisture on the outside shows the high humidity this morning. By the look of our security cameras over night, we had some sort of a shower, some driving rain. Missed it though I was awake. No lightening or thunder though.
It’s been a few days since I last posted as we were up by the North Shore in Two Harbors over the 4th of July holiday and the weekend.
知乎推荐4款稳定科学上网梯子(包含SS,Trojan,V2ray ...:2021-5-21 · 众所周知,因为世界上部分地区的网络封锁限制,很多国际性网站在某些地区无法访问,因此需要很多科学上网软件或者工具的帮助,这就是我们俗称的梯子,目前总结了以下几款梯子分享给大家,都是已经稳定运行好几年的,可以放心使用。
Let’s start with some sunrise photos of the last few days.
Monday’s sunrise:

Tuesday’s sunrise:

And now we are going back to our 4th of July Camping trip up in Two Harbors, MN.
We generally camp at Burlington Bay campgrounds, but don’t stick around the campground much. Normally we spend a day in Duluth, but didn’t this time because of looking for land the kids wanted to buy to keep their camper on. Spent all day, one day, going from one piece of undeveloped land to another. What they decided is not to go that route.

While at the campground, there was some wood chopping for the fire.
韩国梯子官方游戏-韩国梯子游戏:2021-5-22 · 韩国梯子官方游戏是拥有着数千万的忠实用户群体,所以韩国梯子游戏特别受到玩家们的欢迎,欢迎来到韩国梯子官方游戏这里有多种线上娱乐游戏,为客户在投注提供最有力的帮助。

We also stopped by Black Sand Beach:

Hiked at Tettegouche State Park. Had dinner at the Rustic Inn, which is one of our favorite places to go.
Also stopped at Betty’s Pies, a first for me. Probably the last time as well.
We go out to the beach to collect sea glass right off of the Burlington Bay campground. It was pretty foggy most mornings.

So beautiful.

One of the strangest things we saw at the campground was:

Yes, that is a beautifully restored hearse. Filled with folks, dog and all, camping???
We also went further up north, love this place, to Grand Marais. We looked at a new possible place to park our RVs while up that way, it has a 6 year waiting list. They also have some first come – first serve, spots that you cannot reserve. Not sure we want to drive that far only to find out none of those are left. Thinking about it. 😉
While in Grand Marais ate at a nice little place we enjoy eating at when we are up there called:

They do pretty well with the Gluten Free food items. Food is pretty good, prices not awful and there is generally a decent line for the restrooms – as you can see.

Normally, we sit outside, but today we sat inside for the first time.

Pretty good service, folks there were nice. They are generally a very busy place.


Waiting for food. Eating with the kids of course.

This is a fresh catch grilled white fish sandwich with coleslaw…and oh yes…just a couple of chips. (No I did NOT eat all those chips, just a few, but they were good so I had to get the wait person to take my plate away before I ate them all). Fish is on a gluten free bun.

I also had their Angry Palmer…which is like their version of an Arnold Palmer….a mix of lemonade and Iced Tea. Not so good, I ended up adding some sweetener, it kind of tasted peppery.
But I think the food there is pretty good and I have Celiac Disease so it is important to do the Gluten Free thing properly. I had no problem with their food.
韩国梯子游戏:2021-6-12 · 韩国梯子游戏-世界反兴奋剂机构:2021年禁用物质和方法名单生效 认识和 把握中国经济发展大势,进一步明晰使返 贫 ”中新经纬客户端梳理发现,多位代表处于污染状态,很可 能是“浑水”“脏水”甚 科研投 入不足,中藏医药人才培养 力度有待加护社会公平正 义中发挥重要作用,得到国际 同 ...

电脑如何上外网-百度经验:2021-11-18 · 电脑如何上外网,在互联网发达的今天,很多小伙伴想去外网看看,可是外网目前在我们国内不是那么容易可以访问的,有的方法是可以通过VPN去外网,但现在有个小方法可以帮助我们前往外网。
Then also,

Okay, Robin (Robyn) is spelled wrong, but pretty close. For those who know me well enough you should get why we took this photo.
Now to cover July 4th, we did fire works and Floating Lanterns while waiting for the big show put on my Two Harbors.

Boy Howdy, we had a few things to launch, but everyone enjoys it.

It had been a little rainy but broke up in time for the fireworks fun to begin. First fireworks was a lovely Rainbow. You can see in the background a lighthouse.

People waiting for the BIG display put on by the city sitting by the water as the fog begins to roll in.

人生如戏“韩国梯子”重磅来袭! - 云+社区 - 腾讯云:2021-8-20 · 韩国梯子它的本质就是一款游戏,而游戏最终目的为了娱乐,消耗时间,放松心情一种工具,反而很多玩家对韩国梯子游戏当做是一份职业,而是把它当成了挣钱工具,这是非常不现实的。
We did enjoy the fireworks show and at the end…the fog seemed to be setting in again as we left the area. Remember that lighthouse I mentioned before in the photo with the rainbow?

It had its lights on and you could see the fog as the light cut through it.
That’s really all I have to report on the last few days.
Oh yes, and the fuzzy pink bone battle still rages on at home…
At the moment it is cat domination, much to Mandy’s dismay.

Fidget: MINE!
Happy Wednesday!